序列拼接软件velvet 1.1.01发布


Dear Velvet users,

it is my pleasure to announce the release of Velvet 1.1.01!

Sylvain Forêt from ANU did a excellent job multithreading Velvet, 
meaning that it can use multiple CPUs on the same computer, thus freeing 
up the computer that much faster. 4 to 10 fold accelerations have been 
reported. He also reduced the memory footprint, and improved the use of 
mate-pairs, filtering out paired-end contamination.

Also in this new version Yasubumi Sakakibara and colleagues shared their 
MetaVelvet code, which is designed to analyze metagenomic data.



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  1. velvet 1.1.04发布,作者声明:
    ”Velvet 1.1.04 is now available on github or
    http://www.ebi.ac.uk/~zerbino/velvet/velvet_latest.tgz. In it:

    – Matthias Haimel found a potentially serious bug which would affect
    paired-read assemblies since v. 1.1.01 (released March 30) – you might
    want to double check your latest assemblies.

    – Sylvain For?t found a bug in the output of gaps within long node sequences
    – A typo was corrected in the Manual
    – As pointed out by several users, the correct coverage of nodes is now
    output in the contigs.fa file
    – Compilation warnings for k < 32 were corrected
    – Adrian Platts suggested that velveth no longer squashes the Log file,
    – Adrian Platts suggested that TourBus display how many nodes are to be

    Best regards,


  2. Velvet 1.1.22 is now available on github or

    In it a number of minor modifications:
    – Compilation options are now printed in the Log file
    – A timersub macro was added for Solaris users. (thanks to Nathan Weeks
    for this patch)
    – The Makefile was made POSIX compliant (thanks again to Nathan for this
    – The OpenMP compilation flag was standardized to _OPENMP (thanks to
    Nathan for pointing this out)
    – An offset bug was found in Columbus (thanks to Rodolfo Aramayo for
    spotting this)



  3. 请问一下:有没有什么工具可以结合已知的基因组序列作为参考来对转录组数据进行拼接啊??

    1. @wufawfua velvet有columbus扩展可以进行有reference的拼接,另外有Oases扩展可以进行转录组的拼接,你可以试试把这两者结合起来使用~

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